All Things That He Has Given to Us is AMAZING! thank's GOD!

dec22nd : happy mother's day to all moms in indonesia! hehe..

i woke up at 10 a.m this morning. when i woke up, i
said : "waa... udah jam 10!" gw udah telat ke Kumon buat bantuin ngajar. oh.. no!! (sounds like ohno-arashi's leader, LOL!) buru-buru gw makan breakfast yang udah disiapin, sambil nonton tv seperti biasa.. gw lama2in gitu de.. abis males bgt nih ke Kumon..capek. Eh, lagi bersantai-santai ria, gw-nya ditelpon Pak Asman : "Nia, jangan lupa dateng ya ke Kumon!" and i replied,"iya pak, bentar lagi saya ke sana!" tit. gw tutup telponnya. Langsung deh gw mandi (byur!byur!byur!). Trus cabut ke Kumon.. and you know what happened later? Bu Mul datengin gw terus menyodorkan slip gaji (4 bulan,bo!) untuk gw tandatanganin.. wow! how cool! i've counted. i got about Rp 899.000,00 for this 4 months. woah! it's quite enough for me to fill up my savings on bank! haha.. thank's God! Tuhan itu emang Maha Adil! Gw ada di Kumon dari jam 12 s/d jam 4. Abis itu balik ke rumah. Oh ya, berikut ini foto-foto Kumon, tempat di mana gw jadi part-time volunteer nya.. hehe..

Gavin serius banget ngerjainnya..

Furthermore, hari ini langit lumayan cerah.. walaupun sempat hujan sebentar and windy. Here's the pic!
kirei sora..

Overall, today is amazing! Thank's God for all you have given for me today! Still take cares of me..! Thank's God! christmas is coming and 2009 too. you know, i have a lot of wishes and goals in 2009. but im too tired to type it here. gotta read ;) yehey! good night too all!


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