
Showing posts from June, 2015

The Power of Dreams

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney Setelah ditunggu-tunggu, akhirnya nilai keluar juga tanggal 5 Juni kemarin. Jadi sah deh udah kelar ini semester 6 dan semester 7 fix tinggal beresin skripsi aja. And guess what? I got moreee than what I expected before. Semester kali ini lagi-lagi penuh kejutan di saat dosen-dosen yang dikiranya jahat; gak disangka ternyata justru baik hati dalam memberikan nilai dan sebaliknya. My  GPA is slightly increasing than last semester . And I’m grateful for what I’ve got. Thank God. Sekarang tinggal menyelesaikan magang ini lalu kita kebut kelarin skripsinya * FIGHT * Buat yang perhatiin, judul post ini sama dengan tagline nya salah satu produk otomotif asal Jepang yakni H***a ya hahaha. Tapi enggak, post ini sama sekali gak bakal nyinggung soal itu dan asal tau aja ya gue juga gak di- endorse kok HAHAHA * evil laugh *.  What I’m trying to say with such title is… Jadi gini, awal tahun 2015, as always gue selalu tulis targe

What is Success?

Success doesn't come from having one's work recognised by others. It is the fruit of the seed that you lovingly planted. When harvest time arrives, you can say to yourself: "I succeeded." You succeeded in gaining respect for your work because you didn't work only to survive, but to demonstrate your love for others. You managed to finish what you began, even though you didn't foresee all the traps along the way. And when your enthusiasm waned because of the difficulties you encountered, you reached for discipline. And when discipline seemed about to disappear because you were tired, you used your moments of repose to think about what steps you needed to take in the future. You were not paralyzed by the defeats that are inevitable in the lives of those who take risks. You didn't sit agonising over what you lost when you had an idea that didn't work. You didn't stop when you experienced moments of glory, because you had not yet reache

Life Updates #1

Hello, readers! I'm back again finally, after about a month of hiatus :") Want to share some updates. First of all, finally the sixth semester in college have done ! Akhirnya kelar deh semester enam yang penuh drama dan perjuangan. A lot of things have happened this whole one semester. I've done my best, let God do the rest. Harus siap juga menghadapi fakta bahwa nilai akan keluar di minggu ini :') Next, I'm finally got my first "official" internship in Adaro Indonesia, salah satu subsidiary-nya PT Adaro Energy Tbk. :") Dari awal tahun, udah targetin bulan Juni-Agustus harus dapet magang yang full-time . Post-it udah bertebaran baik di meja belajar dan kamar. Jadi tiap hari pasti ngeliat target itu dan puji Tuhannya tercapai! Now I really do believe the power of dreams!  Kebukti loh, mimpi-mimpi yang gue tulis di kertas-kertas beberapa sudah tercapai! Jangan pernah takut bermimpi! Di tempat kerja yang baru, bersyukur lumayan asik suasana