Aiba's Letter

Nah.. saya akhirnya memutuskan untuk posting translation Aiba's Letter..di mana Jun nangis.. Riida ma Aiba juga nangis..gara-gara Aiba bacain surat yang mengharukan itu....


"To Arashi's members.
I have written down how i feel towards the members.
From the time we debut, it is already 5 years
A lot of things have happened;
Be it sad times, painful times or happy times
We have always been together.
Recently everyone has started to receive their personal job scope,
And I feel happy for everyone.
To me,
Arashi's members are the best partners,
As well as the best competitors.

Up til now, there is still something,
That whenever i think about it, i still feel that i've disappointed everyone.
And that is the time when i was hospitalised due to my chest infection.
During those few days, i just could not forget about you guys.
The work that was meant for me to do, had to be done by you guys.

Matsujun: "Oei!"

After the operation, there was a scar on my chest,
Everytime i see it now, there'll be a surge of strength.
And i'll tell myself that i must be strong.
I'm really grateful to everyone.
There are things that could not be said due to shyness,
Thus I'd like to take this oppurtunity to tell everyone:

Matsujun - Thank you for being the one who thinks for Arashi more than anyone else
Nino - Thank you for being able to "read" the group's atmosphere and being able to bring up our spirits
Sho-kun - Thank you for holding together such a messy group of 5 different people
Leader, Ohno-kun - Even though you have not done anything that is like a leader, but your presence and your personality has always made one feel warmth. Thank you. You are very dependable, Leader.

From now onwards,
Let the 5 of us continue walking down this road together.
Lastly, I hope we can achieve our dream of "Being No 1"
It is my honour to be a member of Arashi"

-end of letter-

Host: Leader, How do you feel?
Leader: Ah! He surprised me
Host: Really? Matsujun?

Matsujun: Ah~ It was great
Host: Nino?
Nino : Our Aiba falls sick easily. And he's always worried about this. That's why he always feels like he's troubling us. But we don't think it that way because we are Arashi.
Host : Sakurai ?
Sho : During the period of time when he was sick, I think the one who feels the worst is him. I thank him for telling us how he feels during that period of time.
Nino: To Arashi, this has been a wonderful summer. Thank you everyone!


Saya belum nonton videonya. Tapi dari suratnya aja keliatan banget Aiba nulisnya tulus bener-bener keluar dari hati (touched). Gak nyangka Aiba yang *baka* ternyata bisa menulis surat yang menyentuh banget. Udah gitu, dari info yang saya dapat, ending show itu nyanyiin lagu HERO... aduh.. jadi makin terharu..

"You're HERO..."


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