
What a day!
Today I did blogwalking to my blogger-mates. Then I hit "Kymisa's" link and guess what I found? Winners Of Kymie's Yummy Blogawards has been posted! *deg!* I felt like : "OMG, would I win?" And then... my eyes stuck in this line :

"Best Writer
Having a 9/10 score in essay and made me..really...really..'awwww'"

God! I won the contest for "Best Blog Writer" category!
This is really an unexpected victory! Why? You know, the other participants was awesome! I thought I couldn't win this contest...
Uwaa~ thanks God!

Here's the yummy banner that Sis Kym gave to me : (it looks yummy, isn't it? that's why she named her contest : "Kymie's Yummy Blogawards!" LMAO)

Honestly I feel extremely happy because this is my first time joining this kind of contest, and I won for the first time too! Another reason that makes me happy is her oh-so-touching comments (or in the other words : why she chose me as the winner for the "Best Blog Writer" category). This is what she told about me :

"Eugenia-9/10--seriously, her essay made me "awwww...". It has a lot of heart and sincerity in it. Well, all have it..but i dont know her essay made me flattered and say "oh..stop it...im blusshingg.."(LOL). The essay was definitely good. Im really impressed on how she manipulated her essay."

I was so impressed XD A million thanks to Kymisa who gave me the chance to participate in her contest! Thanks, sis!

That's all for today.
I'm still looking forward for the Quiz Show eps 5.
Gonna sign off.
It has been a long time for me sitting in front of my PC.

Catch you later, peeps!


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