International Literacy Day

gah. finally I brought myself to turn on my computer and going online. -.-

tomorrow I'll be having economy with accountancy on one day. That will be the best couple on the midtest! grawr.

Today is a special day. September 8 was proclaimed International Literacy Day by UNESCO on November 1965.

On International Literacy Day each year, UNESCO reminds the international community of the status of literacy and adult learning globally. Celebrations take place around the world.

Some 776 million adults lack minimum literacy skills; one in five adults is still not literate and two-thirds of them are women; 75 million children are out-of-school and many more attend irregularly or drop out. (source :

There will be no book without literacy

No blog without literacy

I can read

I can write

So I wrote this blog!

Thanks to literacy...

Selamat Hari Aksara Internasional!

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