I'm Coming Back!

Woohoo! I'm back!
I'm sorry peeps for abandoning my blog like ages tee-hee :) I really really had no time to update this blog~ school thingy, of course :D

I don't want to talk much here.
My life gets complicated nowadays. I have to reach my goal in the very-very NEAR FUTURE : naik kelas dan IPA. yea. saya sedang mengincar IPA. why? coz Les Brown said : "

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars."

(in my opinion, it means that we have to set a high standard of our goals, even if we were fail, there will be something good and not really bad as well as our first goal :) )

Mumpung belom terlambat dan masih ada waktu sedikit lagi untuk memperbaikinya. so guys, pray for me! I will study hard and pray hard!

Current addiction :
1. Pop Art
2. Biology (idk recently I love biology-ing :D)
3. Sleeping <3

I'm off tweeps :) Just wanna make a short update! Hehe :D


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