
Showing posts from December, 2010


A lot of things happened 2010. Time flies really fast. Just three more days to 2011. And now is the right time to see back what happened in these past 12 months. Sorta caleidoscope, I think :p early 2010 mm nothing much happened.. one thing that I remembered was that I got my 1st Arashi single : Troublemaker. it was the limited edition! I was so excited :)) down moments I lost my 2 lovely people who have been very nice to me, since I was a child :(( I'm mentally down at that moment. Good bye my dearests. May God be with you up in the heaven. rainbow after a storm so there comes rainbow after a storm. after those tiring exams and assignments. God sent me the best present ever : I'm officially majoring Science. well, this was a blessing for me. it was kinda hard to get into this major. I was die hard to get into it. at first, I thought I was good in social major. But I was wrong. lucky dad told me that science was not a bad choice. Thanked to him ~ and hopefully

Merry Christmas

HAPPY MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! God has made us to be VVIP, so don't ya ever disappoint Him and have a Christmas spirit in abundance! God bless us ! By the way, am now writing my wishlist in 2011. And searching for the 2010's highlight. Wait for my post about this! PS : Tomorrow is Dec 26th. God, please brings us Christmas's miracle for PSUMB on GPMB XXV and Timnas Indonesia on Final AFF Cup~~ Mood :

Timnas, Aku Padamuuuu!

Yak hari ini excitement kemaren tampaknya masih terbawa, saudara-saudaraku sekalian. Apa pasal? SAYA BERHASIL MELIHAT SECARA LANGSUNG TIMNAS INDONESIA LATIHAN DI SENAYAN! wiii :) sampe sekarang pun saya masih uber-excited :D OMG... Masih gak nyangka bisa ngeliat para pemain timnas dari deket :) Yang gua liat bener-bener dari deket itu : Markus, Gonzales, Okto, Hamka, Ridwan, Maman dan tentunya abang Bustomi tercintaaa haha. Sayang gua gak terlalu jelas ngeliat si ganteng Irfan Bachdim karena doi jauh banget latiannya di tengah lapangan. Jadi, latian Kamis (23/12) kemaren lebih difokusin ke kecepatan, positioning dan konsentrasi pemain. Gonzales dan Okto harus latian terpisah dari pemain lainnya karena kedua pemain ini kena cedera. Gonzales cedera pangkal paha dan Okto cedera otot harmstring. Ini dia fotonya : Gonzales latian sendiri sama fisioterapisnya Btw, si Markus itu ternyata sangat jago yaa. Saya kagum ngeliatinnya waktu dia lagi latihan. Ini nih si

Terbanglah Garuda

"Garuda di dadaku. Garuda kebanggaanku. Kuyakin hari ini pasti menang..." Semua warga negara Indonesia baru-baru ini sedang gila bola karena penampilan timnas kita yang berada di bawah asuhan Alfred Riedl sedang berada di puncaknya. Penampilan mereka sejak awal fase grup memang sangat sangat menjanjikan. Indonesia bukan lagi tim yang bisa dipandang sebelah mata. Pemain timnas pilihan Riedl memang terbukti sangat ber-skill tinggi. Didukung lagi oleh 2 pemain naturalisasi asal Belanda dan Uruguay, striker Irfan Bachdim dan Christian Gonzalez. Untuk kali pertama saya benar-benar bangga jadi warga negara Indonesia. Kenapa? Karena punya mereka : Indonesia akhirnya berhasil menapakkan kaki di final ajang kompetisi bola paling bergengsi di Asia Tenggara : AFF Suzuki Cup 2010. Ini saatnya kita merengkuh kejayaan sepakbola kita. Saatnya kita bangga dengan timnas sendiri dan bukannya mengelu-elukan timnas negara lain :) Menjadi yang NO.1 di Asia Tenggara. Terbanglah Garuda. Setingg

Beautiful Day

How does your beautiful day suppose to be? I've been dreaming for something greeny... where I can lay my body under the big blue sky... It might be the most beautiful day for me :) Or... walking along the path, while the sun shines brightly :)) Or this one! This should be PERFECT ! However... wherever I go, I want to go to that beautiful places ... TOGETHER WITH YOU (*hearts*) and we painted the most beautiful day in our heart <3 N.B : Dengan post ini, gua positif UP (re : usia panik) akut!


That's Ahmad Bustomi . Indonesian midfielder. My heart goes to him now :)) Well, if every girl would probably adores Irfan Bachdim (okay, I also adore him so much because of his handsomeness :D) but I choose him. Haha :) The reason is that he looks alike someone familiar to me :) Lucu, gesit, lincah. Mantaplah pokoknya! Indonesia #19, aku padamuuuu <3 <3 <3


So today, I'm really not in a good mood :( I'm feeling neglected. It feels like if I was disappeared, people probably don't care or even don't know. It feels like I always become the minority. Nobody cares to me. Nobody cares to my existence. No one supports me. No one motivates me. :'(( want to cry a lot, but I just can't. Sorry for this very very bad post. Maybe I need to stand in my own. With my own strength. My own passion and motivation. Yeah, that's it.

Exaggerate, No?

Hi again from me bloggers. Such a long time since I wrote my last post. Six-months has passed. Six-months full of torturing has passed. And now, we're already in December 2010. 2011. 2012. 2013 blah..blah.. Time flies so fast nowadays. Six-months. We've been together in this class. But still. I can't found my own comfort zone. Most of the people there are tend to be exclusive -- no hard feeling everybody, pleasee~ Seriously ya. Am not trying to be exaggerate. Ini kelas gak ada kompak-kompaknya sama sekali. Terlalu pendiam! Dan persaingan yang terlalu gila-gilaan. Dan gua belum menemukan teman yang cepet klop, cepet nyambung, asik diajak ngobrol. OK, I know that nobody's perfect. Tapi... tapi gua belum ketemu temen yang bener-bener sahabat. Yang mau ngerti gua. OK. Gua tau gua egois. Egois banget malah. Tapi kali ini bener-bener gak ada. Gua lebih demen kelas gua yang dulu. Rame dan kompak! Too much memories that we painted when we are in X5. But now? Rasanya hampir ga