Prepare My Mind and Heart

Kay. IT'S OVER. HOLIDAY IS OVER. Tomorrow I gotta go to school (again) for like 3856 times in my life -_____- I'm officially 12th grader *sigh* Just another one year before I finally reach university. Gonna be my last year being in the Ursuline school :( I SHOULD enjoy all this-one-year to the fullest. But the question is : CAN I?

New class, definitely. I think I will never get a class like PASTA anymore :( PASTA might be not my best class, but so far, this class fits me best :'D. I love you girls, our randomness + baka-ness + craziness. Gonna miss this class so much~~~

Well, I don't want to expect too much for my new class. I just think that my school is the expert for making our nerve got wracked :( Sh*t, I might have to bear with the loneliness again. Hate all of these circumstances~

I'd better prepare my mind and heart. Stop playing around too much. Stop doing unnecessary things. Study hard. Give your every best efforts in anything you do. Stay away from laziness. Focus on my dreams. START EXECUTING MY DREAMS TO GET MY DREAM UNIVERSITY. And the most important is don't forget to pray to God~~


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