A Person with No Will to Fight, Will Never Be Happy

So yea... this is me. Recently. Didn't gain any weight -____- I'm not chubby anymore :( College life is slowly killing me. Life is really hard. As a sophomore, I am still "free". I don't join any organizations. You might think I am unsocial? Unfortunately I have to say yes... I haven't found a place where I could enjoy to be myself. Haven't found partners who have the same perspectives as mine. I have gone so many organization's interviews, but no results. I still don't get accepted :( I don't know what's wrong with me. Well.. all I need to do now  is to stay focus on the academic things. GPA is the most important thing, at least for now...

There haven't been any people who I could talk everything to... So, writing is kinda my sanctuary. It's always been relaxing after I writing some posts, here, in this lovely blog :') And moreover, this makes me look like a-total-introvert, ya know x))

I'm gonna FIGHT no matter what... I'm never gonna give up! :) 

"A person with no will to fight, will never be happy." - Mei-chan no Shitsuji


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