My Pic!

OHno-ninoMIYA Satoshi-Kazunari

you can see my pic (handmade -- of course!) above. haha. what do you think? it looks cute, isn't it? lols. fyi, it's ohno and nino from japanese boyband, Arashi. leave a comment on CBox (please click on 'Tag' menu). today i was tired coz i attended the christmas party at my mom's former office^^. at there, i met my mom's officemates. they were really care and kind to me. and you know what, i also met people from USA. he is the head of the office. he brought his family, which are consists of : a-pretty-wife and two cute boys. i swear! his children were really good-looking, even though they were still .. um... under-age. yes! they're just kids! wow XD.
i think enough for today. i'm too tired to type it.
gotta sleep. the clock has shown 1.20 a.m!
good night! see y'all later.

xx, eugenia


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