Help Me God Don't Lemme Pass It

heya guys! i've just woke up from my sleep. hehe. well. today i've done my science competition on kota administratif level. i don't know why. i really really don't want to pass it. help me God. please.. i beg you God!!! let me won't pass it! i'm doing good in biology, but doing badly in physics. ssh.. i really hate physics, but i love biology (: if i pass, i can't join our first try-out for UAN (huh.. ). i wanna join the try-out.. so help me God, let me don't pass it! amen >0> well.. only God who knows. let's see next week.

next week, exactly on january31th - february1st, i will have the first try-out UAN. please help me God to the do my best. i'll start study tomorrow! support me guys!

ok. here are the things that gonna be happen in the near-future (one week later) :
1. Solar Eclipse! (tomorrow -- it's a rare moment! let us see it!)
2. The first Try Out UAN (jan 30th - feb 1st)
3. Pengumuman SMA Sancta Ursula on Feb 2nd (semoga gw keterima dan gw harus keterima! AMIN!)

oh, i almost forgot today is 27th sho-kun birthday!


panjang umur + awet muda, sehat selalu, makin sukses, makin kakkoi ~ !

ready for chinese new year tomorrow!
enjoy my post! ^o^v

xx, eugenia


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