Welcome 2009!

-- HELLO 2009! --

have a prosperous year to you and your family! god bless us!

finally 2009 is coming! and this my first post on the first day on 2009! LOL XD. you know, bad news today : gw baru bangun jam 1 siang! oh my God, that was the worst record of my life! haha. sumpah, seumur-umur rekor bangun jam 1. biasanya selalu jam 9, tapi makin ke sini gw bangun tidur makin siang aja. huhu.. well, sekarang udah 2009! yang pasti banyak hal yang akan terjadi di 2009. good or bad, who knows?

let's see what's gonna happen on 2009 :
* January5th : the school begins! for 2nd semester [study hard!]
* Pengumuman SMA Santa Ursula on February 2nd [moga" masuk, AMIN! bless me GOD!]
* Try out ujian try out ujian praktek exams exams EXAMS ... [do my best!]

* UAN 2009! [help me God to do the best and i will graduate well]


i hope :
* bisa diterima di SMA Santa Ursula [it's about one month to go from now... my sudden death! lol]
* bisa ikutin try out semaksimal mungkin
* LULUS SMP dengan nilai memuaskan [AMIN!]

* bisa apply ASEAN scholarship! dan bisa dapetin beasiswanya [i'll do my best.. and help me God for my better future... ]

* His blessing will never stop, t
o me, to my Dad, to my family, to my friends, to Indonesia
* the war between Israel n Hamas will be stop! [kan penjajahan di dunia ini harus dihapuskan]
* Indonesia will become a better country!

my resolutions :
* lebih ceria n semangat!
* study harder .. of course! [fighto ~ oh!]
* makan banyak biar gendut..! hoho [resolusi yang meaningless ya?^^ tapi buat gw meaningful banget...]
* jadi cewek yang lebih dewasa .. [must! this year i'll turning 16!]
* be a nice girl at all!

oke segitu aja buat new year ini. gw cuma bisa berharap semoga tahun ini gw tetap diberkahi keberuntungan, kebahagiaan dan segala sesuatu yang baik! keep blessing me God! god bless us! :) message for readers : hadapi 2009 dengan senyum!


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