What A Happy Day

yeah.. this is my 75th posts and my blog's visitors has reached 1000! woo-hoo! thanks to all of you who has visited my blog! you were highly appreciated, fellas! hehe. anyways, i found an "old" pic. the pic was taken when i'm in 7th grade. it's about when i'm 12 years old... hehe

picture taken on July 28th, 2006
Jessica, me (Eugenia), Marcella

me between two "big" friends (hehe..)
how weird i am LOL

picture taken on December 5th, 2008
me (Eugenia), fanny, widi, maria, jennifer, nandini, yovita
wow. heya fellas!

who knows?

enough today. enjoy reading
i have many works to do!

xo, eugenia


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