"Everything will be alright. We just keep dancing like we're... 22!"

Now it's TayTay's song to keep continuously playing in my head.
Happy birthday to myself!
How old are you now? Well, I'm 17... 5 YEARS AGO :D
Yes. I'm 22 now! Can't believe it though cos my outer appearance still looks like a kid. It's more like a 22-year-old mind girl but trapped in a little girl's body HAHAHA. But thank God for all Your blessings until today. Thank you for everything :") Thank you for those who wishes me 'happy birthday'. Really appreciated it!

Time flies. I'm on my (hopefully) very last semester in college and gotta be ready for the "real life." I hope I can be even moreeee mature and wise than before. Gotta keep reminding myself that I AM 22 NOW. TWENTY-TWO. You are not a little girl anymore! I'm now lady in the making. YESSS.

Bicara tentang harapan. Gue berharap di umur 22 ini semoga bisa menaikkan diri ke level yang lebih tinggi lagi. Kembali jadi Nia yang dulu waktu kecil punya tekad kuat, lebih ambisius, lebih gak gampang menyerah dan percaya sama kalau semua mimpi bisa terwujud. Gak males-malesan lagi dan lebih banyak take action supaya goals lebih cepat tercapai. Lagian kata Om Mario Teguh sebenarnya gak ada yang namanya mimpi yang ketinggian, yang ada hanya upaya yang kurang besar untuk meraihnya *dalam hati : bener juga sih; contoh simpelnya mau kurus tapi gak mau olahraga yah piye gak bakal kurus-kurus xD* Oh ya kelupaan. Satu lagi wish nya supaya bisa ngejar wisuda April 2016. Cepet-cepet bergelar S.E dan membanggakan bokap. Aminnn yaah :")

Note to my 22-year-old self:
1. I should never think that ‘The grass is always greener on the other side‘, but more like "I am too busy working on my grass to notice that yours is greener.Well, be grateful for what you have now and maximize it, Ni!

2. Do more good deeds to others and never expect something in return.

3. Focus only on what you good at rather than your weaknesses.

4. No matter how good and perfect you are, somebody will always judge you. So just be you and live it to the fullest! Masa bodo orang mau bilang apa, this is your life kok Ni!

5. Always going for an extra mile! Lebihkan usaha dan doa, man jadda wajada for SKRIPSI! Siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh pasti berhasil!

It's quite hard for me especially number 1 and 4. But I am going to make it :) Anyway there are still about 100 days to the end of 2015. Still have numerous goals and targets to be achieved. Next post I will show you my dream list. SEMANGAT! Pasti bisa kok Ni!

22-year-old selfie xD


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