New Divide

New Divide
By : Linkin Park
OST Transformers 2 : Revenge of The Fallen

I remembered black skies / the lightning all around me
I remembered each flash / as time began to blur
Like a startling sign / that fate had finally found me
And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve

So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this
memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Give me reason / to fill this hole / connect the space
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Across this new divide

There was nothing in sight / but memories left
There was nowhere to hide / the ashes fell like snow
And the ground caved in / between where we were
And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve

So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this
memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Across this new divide

In every loss / in every lie
In every truth that you'd deny
And each regret / and each goodbye
was a mistake to great to hide
And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve

So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this
memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Give me reason / to fill this hole / connect the space
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Across this new divide


Barusan liat MVnya di MTV Asia. Sugee~ Lagunya keren~ Liriknya itu loh.. artinya dalemmm banget. Cocok dah buat soundtracknya Transformers 2 : Revenge of The Fallen. Jadi pengen nonton euy! Haha. Salut buat Linkin Park! Satu-satunya band western bener-bener gue idolakan LMAO


Anyway, during this holiday, lama-lama post gue semakin gaje. Jadi mohon dimaafin ya bloggers. Lagi gak ada ide buat nulis nih. Jadi yah... yang gue post ya stuff-stuff kayak gini deh, lirik lagu, fangirling, etc. Pardon me deh. Hehe...

Btw, gue nonton The Quiz Show 2 mentok nih sampe eps. 4 (sedihnya..). Bagi yang belum tahu kuis apa sih acara The Quiz Show itu dalam dorama ini, gue kasih tau. Jadi acara ini tuh semacam Who Wants To Be A Millionaire gitu. Dikasih 7 pertanyaan. Kalo berhasil jawab, hadiah uangnya makin bertingkat. Tapi di Quiz Show ini, pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dikasih itu malah memaksa kontestannya untuk jujur / terus terang sama semua orang tentang masa lalu yang kelam / rahasianya (walaupun pertanyaan awalnya menyangkut pengetahuan umum, tapi semakin lama pertanyaannya mengarah ke rahasia si kontestan). Dengan adanya Quiz Show, seorang vokalis band dipaksa mengaku bahwa dia telah membunuh gitaris bandnya di acara tersebut.

Nah, MC nya sendiri, MC Kamiyama (diperankan oleh Sakurai Sho-si-ganteng-oh-my-god) masih misterius latar belakangnya. Abis kalo lagi bawain acaranya kayak di bawah pengaruh hipnotis gitu dan semua kontestan di acaranya itu ternyata berhubungan sama masa lalunya Kamiyama. Aneh gak sih? Gue aja bingung sama jalan ceritanya. Drama ini kabarnya mengadaptasi film Amrik berjudul "The Moment of Truth". Coba Indonesia bikin sinetron kayak gitu, yang bergenre suspense kek, perasaan tema sinetron Indonesia kalo gak percintaan, penyiksaan, perebutan harta, dan sebangsanya.

Gue kangen banget Sho ngomong "Atashi wa anata no subete o shiteimasu.." (baca : I know everything about you). Duh, aura-nya Sho seketika langsung berubah jadi dark pas ngomong kalimat itu.

Hari ini CD Arashi Ashita no Kioku / Crazy Moon gue udah nyampe ke tangan gue. Stikernya itu loh... Gak nahan~ Sekarang puas dah gue bisa karaokean..


Pose bahagia CD Arashi ada di tangan ^O^ (asli dari Jepang loh!!!)

Enough for today. Pengen bersihin kamar!!!! Fight!

Mata ashita.

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  1. erm oh.. hi wanted to comment but i dun understand the language u typed... so sry...

  2. nvm... anyway thanks Qi Wen! haha. thanks a lot! i think i should use English much more.. >.<

  3. ga ngerti isinya yg penting ngasih comment @_@

  4. hiks hiks... saya juga mau ashita no kioku... ;_; mana asli jepun lagi..


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