
Showing posts from June, 2016

Points to Ponder

Postingan kali ini pengen share caption Instagram salah seorang artis. On point dan ngena banget. Bagus untuk dibaca dan diresapi karena disadari atau tidak, banyak lho yang kejadian seperti ini di sekitar kita.  *** 1. Saudara laki-lakinya bertanya saat kunjungan seminggu setelah adik perempuannya melahirkan : "Hadiah apa yang diberikan suamimu setelah engkau melahirkan?"  "Tidak ada," jawab adiknya pendek.  Saudara laki-lakinya berkata lagi, "Masa sih, apa engkau tidak berharga di sisinya? Aku bahkan sering memberi hadiah istriku walau tanpa alasan yang istimewa".  Siang itu, ketika suaminya lelah sepulang dari kantor menemukan istrinya merajuk di rumah. Keduanya lalu terlibat pertengkaran. Sebulan kemudian, antara suami istri ini terjadi perceraian. Dari mana sumber masalahnya? Dari kalimat sederhana yang diucapkan saudara laki-laki kepada adik perempuannya. --------- 2. Saat arisan seorang ibu bertanya, "Rumahmu ini apa tida

Quotes from Paulo Coelho

1. When you want something, the whole universe conspires to make it happen. “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” 2. Detach from all things and you will be free. “When I had nothing to lose, I had everything.” “Now that she had nothing to lose, she was free.” 3. We are all here for a purpose. “No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn’t know it.” “Everybody has a creative potential and from the moment you can express this creative potential, you can start changing the world.” 4. The only thing standing between you and your dream are your fears. “Don’t give in to your fears. If you do, you won’t be able to talk to your heart.” “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” 5. Mistakes are part of life. “Everything tells me that I am about to make a wrong decision, but making mis

Aspiring Photographer

So, recently I like to post photos (almost everyday) to my Instagram account. I like photography since a long time ago. I think I'm quite good at taking photos and I want to become more serious about photography in the future. They said the best camera is the one that you use now. But I still eager of having a better camera. I'm currently using pocket camera Panasonic Lumix DMC FS-3 and my phone Samsung Galaxy Grand 2. Take a look at some of my snaps from my Instagram account! You can search my photos using hashtag #EugeniaCamera :) Light installation from Future World Exhibition at ArtScience Museum

The Architecture of Love : Mini Review

"Because you're as lost as I am, Raia. And in a city this big, it hurts less when you're not lost alone." -  River Jusuf 

Doa yang Terjawab : Secured My Very First Job!

"Hidup ini jangan dibiasakan yang instan-instan, Le, jangan mau gampangnya saja. Hal-hal terbaik dalam hidup justru seringnya harus melalui usaha yang lama dan menguji kesabaran dulu." - Ika Natassa, Critical Eleven Quotes tersebut "ngena" banget ke gue dan pas menggambarkan situasi yang terjadi belakangan ini. Kalau mau mendapatkan sesuatu, ya mesti usaha dulu. Yap, semua berawal di bulan Maret, tepatnya setelah gue mengakhiri internship  di salah satu perusahaan. Dua bulan lamanya hidup gue seolah dilanda kecemasan dan ketidakpastian. Gue dengan keukeuh -nya mempertahankan keyakinan kalau bisa dapet permanent offer di situ. Plan B pun tak punya, kalau seandainya gagal dapet permanent offer. Over pede sih bukan ya, tapi lebih ke "kepala batu" aja.